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AGRC Name Change to Utah Geospatial Resource Center (UGRC) (2 min)
During the 2021 General Session, the Utah Legislature agreed to change the name of AGRC to the Utah Geospatial Resource Center (UGRC), as passed in House Bill 261, “Geographic Reference Center Amendme
GIS as a Tool for Addressing Intergenerational Poverty (3 min)
Poverty and PlaceWe now know that poverty and place are connected. Numerous point to evidence showing that place matters a great deal to an individual’s economic outlook. This is particularly true fo
Taking a Closer Look at Election Results - Using GIS to Paint the Political Landscape (4 min)
You've probably heard the saying, there are many ways to peel an orange. Similarly, you've likely noticed, there are to display election results. In this post, we'll take a closer look at how GIS can
Utah's COVID-19 Testing Sites Map: The Importance of Relationships and Resources (7 min)
Ninety-nine times out of a hundred, whenever you create a webmap you're anxiously hoping people will use it. I remember watching the stats for my , hoping I'd break a hundred views. 1,000 would be ama
GIS - Thinking Beyond the Map (8 min)
If you’re reading this post, you’re already aware that geospatial technology (a.k.a. GIS) has become an essential part of our daily lives. Its capabilities extend from small-scale phone applications a
The Role of GIS during a Pandemic: Why the “Where” Is So Important for the Coronavirus (13 min)
Having worked with UGRC for the past three years, I’ve started to notice that GIS is involved in just about everything. That’s why I’ve found it so interesting to see how GIS is “having a moment,” so
A Brief Tutorial on Exploring the Open SGID with Open Source Python Tools (7 min)
The accompanying Python Notebook for this blog post can be found .The Open SGIDThe introduction of the has opened the door for new ways to explore Utah's GIS data. Before the Open SGID, a user would
Introducing the Open SGID Database - A New Publicly Available Data Offering (4 min)
It seems so long ago now, but it was less than a year ago when we first of a new SGID offering . We are finally ready to announce the debut of a new open source SGID database--the Open SGID--a cloud-
UGRC Purchase of Hexagon Imagery (4 min)
UGRC recently purchased a license to Hexagon’s statewide high resolution aerial photography (6” and 12” pixels) on behalf of Utah state, regional, and local government organizations. Since the purchas